On the bike paths with a friend - Short route - Vitosha - 20km, 550 m. vertical drop
42.6286288, 23.1956638
As soon as you turn left, take the first street on the right and continue just straight for 1,390 km until you reach a T-junction. At this turn left and then immediately right.
At the Discret Hotel, take a left, almost a U-turn, and head up the road only. From here on you just follow the main road for a few kilometres.
Continue just up the road and follow the white and blue markings. The asphalt road becomes paved at some point and then rocky. Continue on the main road only and follow the white and blue markings.
At 8.85km after the start there is a sharp right turn down a narrow and steep path. It is also the location of the first checkpoint. It is mandatory for each participant to provide volunteers with his/her verification number.
9.7 kilometers after the start, following the markings, you come to a very beautiful view and there you turn right.
At about the 11th kilometer, on the dirt road you descend, following the blue markings, you will come out on the Vitosha 100 route. There you turn right, where you will see a sign and a board. Turn right and you are now following only the blue markings.
At the 16th kilometer, turn extreme left and follow the blue markings. There you will see a large arrow indicating that there is a dangerous stretch ahead and you must drive with caution.
After the climb, you come to an abandoned building which will be on your right, and the path to follow continues straight ahead on a concrete road. Do not turn left on the blue signs, just follow the race markings on the concrete road straight ahead.
At some point, you'll rejoin the paved road you've already left after starting. Head left and follow the paved road down for about 500 yards, then you will see a trail to your right and a few signs. That's where you enter the woods.
You descend until you reach a very sparse forest. There you will see an arrow pointing to the extreme left, where you should now turn in the direction of c. Vladaya.
From here on you just follow the markings and arrows through the forest.
Entering the water I was going through the street Vitoski granite which is very steep
Walk down the steep Vitosha Granite Street with particular care. Shortly after you will see an arrow pointing to the right, and a volunteer to direct you. Be sure to turn right down Professor Shishmanov Street.
After 100 meters of descent you make a left, almost opposite turn, near a huge black fence.
Next is a descent and a right turn. Following the fences you will come out at the finish of the race.